We design, build and manage services and infrastructures for satellite telecommunications in Europe and Africa. We offer broadband connectivity to government bodies, public institutions and private networks on an international scale, ensuring reliability and security at a competitive cost.
We create innovative tools of communication, designing high-tech new media to support business networks. We edit thematic channels supported by different technology platforms (Web, Satellite, Digital, Mobile). We develop edutain-ment products and services.
We support governments and administrations in the improvement and integration of internal processes through the adoption of innovative ICT tools.
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“SPARKme Space Academy” opens in Matera, the first theme park on the moon, space and stars
Domenica 16 ottobre 2022, si è tenuta presso la sede di Openet Technologies Spa via dell’Industria a Matera, l’inaugurazione dei primi padiglioni della SPARKme Space Academy realizzata in collaborazione con l’Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA) e

DefInSpace 2022: Italy also participates in the second edition of the hackathon promoted by the French Space Command: 24 hours to imagine solutions for tomorrow's space defense.
Per la prima volta, a Matera (IT), Openet Technologies ospita nella SPARKme Space Academy il 03 e 04 giugno 2022, la “maratona” di creatività e innovazione in cui i partecipanti con diversi background ed esperienze collaborano in piccoli team,

SPARKme Space Academy: Opening Soon in Matera
In occasione della prima “Giornata Nazionale dello Spazio” istituita dalla Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri il 16 dicembre, Openet Technologies SpA di Matera ha programmato una conferenza di presentazione della “SPARKme Space Academy”, Giovedì 16

Openet Technologies presents CLASS@CROSS: the innovative Outreach Education platform
Il Gruppo Openet Technologies di Matera ha partecipato al bando europeo dal valore di 10Milioni di Euro “Space in response to COVID-19. Outbreak in Italy“, promosso da ESA e sostenuto da ASI. Il Gruppo OPENET
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- Trust us: For years alongside companies and organizations, we transform connectivity into added value for our customers.