Let’s UP

The mission with which LET’S UP was born is that of a “permanent networking and cooperation organization that operationally supports startups and innovative manufacturing companies, where deemed valid and profitable, in their growth path, contributing to the strengthening of the competitive advantage of the regional territory”. LET’S UP therefore wants to create an operational infrastructure, based in the city of Trani, which gathers diversified and widespread skills on the national and international territory that supports the innovation and valorization processes for the manufacturing supply chains, providing services for the acceleration of organizational, technological, productive and commercial processes aimed at greater competitiveness and a more rapid and effective engagement of the markets.
The structure of the LET’S UP partnership is articulated, multidisciplinary and strongly oriented, in its components and in its organicity, to the strengthening of the development processes of entrepreneurship, businesses and the territory.
The partnership is made up of 17 partners belonging to different typologies and in particular:


1. CONFASSOCIAZIONI, a national body representing Federations, Coordinations, Associations, companies and professionals who carry out professional activities “not organised into orders and colleges”, in Italy and Europe. Born in July 2013, it currently groups together 273 professional organisations between first and second level subjects that bring together more than 460 thousand professionals, approximately 122 thousand companies and represent a fundamental part of the nervous system of the Italian economy. A system that generates 9% of the country's GDP (21% if we consider associated companies). www.confassociazioni.eu

Incubators and Accelerators

2. Pordenone Technology Park – MISE Certified Science and Technology Park and Incubator for Innovative Startups. www.polo.pn.it
3. OPENET TECHNOLOGIES S.p.A. – Participates in the project also as the managing entity of “SPARKme” the first Business Accelerator dedicated to Space Business, conceived and managed by Openet, co-financed by the Italian and European Space Agencies (ASI and ESA). www.sparkme.space


4. LUM JEAN MONNET UNIVERSITY – Legally recognized non-state university with two faculties (Economics and Law) and a School of Management with specialized courses for a variety of disciplines. www.lum.it

Research centers

5. STAZIONE EXPERIMENTALE DELL’INDUSTRIA DELLE PELLI srl – Research Center for the tanning industry with interventions on methodologies and technologies for innovation in the production of hides and leather consumer goods. www.ssip.it
6. CERMES – Research Center in Management, Economics and Local Development established at the University of “Link Campus” which works to identify and analyze national and international best practices in the field of entrepreneurship, management and development of territorial innovation and to apply them to local contexts. https://www.unilink.it/ricerca/centri-di-ricerca/cermes-centro-di-ricerca-in-management-economia-e-sviluppo-locale/
7. Fondazione Italiani – Foundation and Research Organization recognized in 2016, promotes and fosters international business opportunities starting from cultural diplomacy activities.

Training Centers

8. Lean Experience Factory s.c.ar.l. – Experiential training center based in San Vito al Tagliamento (PN) born in 2011 from the joint venture between McKinsey & Company and Unindustria Pordenone. www.leanexperiencefactory.it


9. COMET Scrl – Regional reference cluster of Friuli Venezia Giulia for the management of the metalworking system, both of the mechanical industry products and of the components. The fundamental objective is to make the companies interact and assist in order to enhance their competitiveness despite the growing complexity of the Italian and foreign reference markets.  www.srl-comet.com

Financial Intermediaries

10. FIDIT SCPA – Financial intermediary mainly provides guarantees to credit institutions, facilitating SMEs in accessing bank credit. www.fidit.it

Production Districts

11. SUSTAINABLE BUILDING DISTRICT OF PUGLIA – Spreads and promotes the culture of building in a sustainable manner, and in particular, of: establishing networks of companies able to cooperate to develop construction quality in line with the needs of sustainable building and innovation. www.despuglia.it


12. AICA, ITALIAN ASSOCIATION FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE AND AUTOMATIC CALCULATION – Founded in 1961, it is an association of professionals, teachers, students, public and private bodies for the growth and diffusion of the digital sector. AICA provides life long learning services, skills assessment and professional certification, continuous updating. www.aicanet.it


13. STRA.DE. S.r.l., Bari – www.srlstrade.it
14. DEVELOPING.IT S.r.l., Bari – www.developing.it
15. LINKEM S.p.A., Roma – www.linkem.com
16. OBJECTWAY S.p.A., Bari – www.objectway.com
17. GPI S.p.A., Trento – www.gpi.it

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